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Earl Roberts

O: 508-499-2200 M: 508-292-9529

Call me, and consider it done!

Earl Roberts has been a full time Cape Cod resident since his family moved here from New York City in 2006. He has since become an engaged civic and religious community leader in his beloved village of Marstons Mills and beyond.

He is involved with the Marstons Mills Community Church, the Village Association, Historic Society, and is a Leadership Cape Cod (2015) graduate. He has also been a volunteer with Habitat for Humanity and with several other civic organizations.

His genuine warmth and empathy for everyone he encounters shines through with each firm handshake and ready smile.

Earl sees his move into the real estate arena as a natural outgrowth of his desire to capably serve his fellow Cape Codders with integrity and respect. He stands ready to help you make your real estate dream a reality!